Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First Post - testing - one, two, three

I have been "lurking" around the blogging world for most of this year - and have been greatly inspired, I might add. I even started a blog but that was as far as it went. No, not quite. I did entice two of my children to create their own blogs. But as for me, I don't know what to say! Some of my "real" friends would laugh at that statement!
Talking and writing are two different things however. It is different because my thoughts are written down for the whole blogging world to see and secondly, there is give and take in conversation. There is (usually) a response whenever I speak and that becomes a guide to what or how I continue to share. If it is a good response, I will share deeper or more fully but if the interest just isn't there, well....
I think the other thing that holds me back is the perceived lack of anything important/interesting/funny/deep and meaningful enough to share. I have been encouraged, moved and inspired by the writings of other people - I want people to feel that way about what I share too. Unfortunately that just isn't me!
Nevertheless, I want to start writing some of my journey down (even if no one responds) because it will hopefully encourage ME when I look back, be a record of what WE as a homeshcooling family have been up to and keep ME accountable (even if it is only to myself!).
Now, wasn't that profound???