This is something that has been floating around in the back of my mind for quite a few years but reading Angie's blog has brought it to the forefront. As a mother I want my children to be happy, to see their joy on Christmas morning as they open all their gifts. The dream we have doesn't always match reality however. I am usually left feeling like something is missing, never sure quite what that "something" is. Angie has shown me what that something was - I have been leaving Christ out of Christmas. Sure the children know that it is the birthday of Jesus, but it has always been more talk than action. Thanks to Angie, I am hoping that this year will be different! This year, starting the first day of December and going through till Christmas Day, I aim to do something every single day to try and remember what Christmas is really all about. While I want our family to enjoy the Christmas season, I want to see how much fun we can have not doing things for ourselves, "but by seeing how much greater the joy is when we focus on trying to celebrate Jesus and everything He means."
We have a plan for this to happen. I have read about the Jesse Tree The Jesse Tree represents the family tree, or genealogy of Jesus Christ. It tells the story of God's salvation plan from creation and throughout the Old Testament, to the coming of the Messiah. The continuity of God's love, patience and grace across the centuries to the most unlikely peeople in the midst of their failures is the focus as we hang a specific ornament each day.
The other thing we are working on is a calendar which counts the days till Christmas. Each day we will do something fun and exciting related to the Christmas season but it will be with a twist. It will be about us giving of ourselves in some way rather than participating in an event in order to receive something. The children want to try busking in the mall so we will do that but instead of asking for money, they will do it to entertain and we will also have some Christian tracts about the true meaning of Christmas to give out. One day we will bake Christmas goodies but to give away to others. We will participate in a letter box drop organised by the church. The children will perform a concert for the residents of a nursing home. These are just some of the ideas we have come up with so far. We have a few more days to fill in so any ideas would be appreciated!
As I am realising more and more, God desires to work in us as much as through us. It is as much about the process as it is about the finished product. I pray that I will remain open to what He is teaching me through this Christmas season.
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