Monday, February 16, 2009

Stephen John

On February 11 1998, Stephen John made his entrance into the world. This would have to be one of my favourite new born photos of Stephen - taken at 3 am when he was three days old.

Hannah (6) and Michelle (2) were very excited to be big sisters.

I had been blessed with two very contented little girls but the first six months of this little boy's life were spent with him (and me) crying a lot of the time! Thankfully he seemed to turn a corner at about this time and here he is with an adorable smile at the age of seven months.

This next photo is of Whippy sharing Stephen's left over cake crumbs. Stephen is about one year old.

This is another favourite photo - Stephen is 18 months old.

I am still sorting out photos, although I think that I have finally scanned them all. I will continue to post some photos of the kids at different ages and stages purely because I am enjoying this trip down memory lane!

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